The Home.Earth Foundation was established in connection with the capitalisation of Home.Earth. The Foundation is a charitable commercial foundation and a key stakeholder in the Home.Earth Group.
The Foundation serves two key roles:
1) A governance role as guardian of the purpose of Home.Earth.
2) A charitable role to support innovation and positive impact related to the Purpose of the Foundation.
The Purpose of the Home.Earth Foundation is to, directly or indirectly, promote inclusive and sustainable urban real estate development by safeguarding and promoting the activity carried out by Home.Earth K/S, and investing in and/or supporting other ventures, projects, research and development etc. that directly or indirectly, contribute to sustainability, diversity, liveability and affordability in the urban environment.
Chair, Morten Jensen | LinkedIn
Jonathan Rose | LinkedIn
Mikkel Bülow-Lehnsby | LinkedIn
Rasmus Nørgaard | LinkedIn
Elisabeth Hermann Frederiksen | LinkedIn
The Home.Earth Foundation owns Home.Earth general partner P/S which owns 1 B-Interest of Home.Earth K/S. The B-share entitles the Foundation (through the general partner) to receive the so called “Purpose Allocation”, which is defined as 5% of the total annual equity return of Home.Earth K/S. Furthermore, The B-Interest carries such number of votes which results in the B-Interest always holding 35% of the total outstanding voting rights attached to A-Interests and the B-Interest issued by Home.Earth K/S from time to time.
The Foundation will support projects within the Purpose of the Foundation.
Given limited funds in the Foundation, at this point in time, it is currently not possible in general to apply for donations from the Foundation, but the Foundation will from time-to-time establish specific programs that are aligned with the Purpose and that can be applied for.
Updated: July 2024
Home.Earth Fonden
c/o Home.Earth general partner P/S
Siljangade 1, 10G
2300 Copenhagen
CVR no.: 44028174